A Real Estate Love Story: Closed in Gurnee!

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Real Estate

My clients laughed when reminiscing about how I came to represent them as an agent, calling it a "real estate love story."

They were relocating to Illinois and had been asking questions in local community FB groups. A previous client of mine responded and shared my information as someone who could help.
They were hesitant. The last male realtor they worked with really mucked things up. A little reassurance from my previous client and they reached out the following week.
I could sense they felt overwhelmed. What school districts went where, how were before/after school programs handled, why were taxes so high...
I shared perspective and earned their trust.
We identified non-negotiables, scoured through community data, discussed building materials, average cost of utilities- you name it, we covered it.
Last summer, they flew into town and we drove around subdivisions, toured homes, checked out schools, and the broader community itself.
After they left, I was their boots on the ground. We toured homes using FaceTime, and I showed them areas of concern as if they were standing next to me and not in the palm of my hand.
In true fashion, we found the perfect house in a tough buyer's market and seamlessly closed on this beautiful home in Gurnee. It's been quite the journey and would have to agree... our story is one for the movies!